Don't "Find" Meaning In Life!


So many people strive to "find" their passions. They look for what they are supposed to do in life. It's silly. What do you even know what you are looking for? Some guy in a clown costume with a giant sign on his body that says "THIS"?

Really? What Do You expect?

Make the Decision!

It can be hard to make that choice. Heck, you can even start off by making smaller decisions every day, You don't have to wake up and say, "I want to be an Astronaut." Instead, go with something more obtainable. Like " I want to go to school for Astronomy."
This will make it easier for you to do what you were "Meant" to do in life.

"Looking" Is A Passive Activity.

When we are looking for something, we have a certain degree of expectation. We aren't taking action. We are just expecting the action to magically "Happen." This logic can dramatically hurt our chances of us getting what we want. Life goes fast, If we are just looking, Instead of giving ourselves the best possible chances of success, By putting ourselves in the right place at the right time. When you are looking, You aren't doing that.

Be Careful With Advice

Advice can be helpful; It gives us direction. When we have goals, we want to accomplish. But advice can often be harmful as well! When we receive advice, we are sometimes hearing the sum of someone else's life experience. People aren't giving it to you, Based on who you are. But instead based on who THEY are. It's important that you accept advice from people who are doing the same things in life that you'd like to do. Sometimes people love to give advice, Even though they know nothing about what they are talking about.


Finding meaning in your life isn't about "looking" for what you THINK you are meant to do, But it's a sum of decisions you make throughout your time. Don't look for what you want in life, Instead, Try new things, Spend your money on experiences, not stuff, That way you can figure out what you love, and what you enjoy doing. Experiences are what changes us. And gives us meaning. Trying new things enables us to find new passions.

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