There is no doubt that most of us are overworked, Whether we have a demanding job, or we have self-employed work that makes our lists go to the ceiling. All of us could use more time to rest and take breaks. The problem is, When?

Many of us would see a positive effect on our work quality if we cut back our hours. But sadly sometimes employers don't understand that.
Here are a few ways you can make it easier to work less, But get the same, If not more done.

Have A Clear List Of What To Do

When we don't have clear expectations, it can be hard to follow through with the things we want to accomplish in our day. It's essential to have a to-do list that you follow And have it be as specific as possible so you can get your stuff done. Use a planner, Calendar or write it out on paper.

Hardest Things Done First

We all have those tasks we hate doing, For me. I don't really like cleaning my rabbit cages, But it's something that has to be done 3-4 times a week. So often when it's cleaning day, I'll do that very first upon waking up. So it's out of the way! Figure out what is hardest for you to do, And get it done. It can even be that thing that has been lingering in your mind for months. Take it out so you can move onto the next thing.

Having Breaks Keeps You Rested

Like I said above, Breaks are magic. Know when you need to take a break. Make yourself work really hard, Set a timer. Then take a proper and full break. Entirely leave your work area so you feel rested That way you can come back feeling mentally and physically ready to take on the next task.

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