The Power of Rumors.


Throughout history, rumors have been responsible for split and destruction of systems, sectors, ideologies and institutions - especially the Church and Marriage. Many individuals have wrecked their lives and those of their loved ones because they acted on unconfirmed stories - tales created by men to destroy other men.
Many broken relationships are a product of suspicion created by rumors. Someone said that this that happened and that is it.
Personally, I found the greatest destruction ever to be wrecked in human history by rumors in the event that occurred in the book of Matthew of which I reproduce:
Matthew 28:12-15 KJV - And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, [13] Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. [14] And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. [15] So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews "until this day".

The actions of the priests and their cohorts have contributed immensely to the spiritual deadness of Israel even up to this day. Many don't believe that Jesus is Lord or Messiah and they oppose the resurrection of the Son of God which the Bible refers to as the Core of Our Faith. Even as the gospel permeates the territories of modern day Israel, those who are diehard still hold on to this myth which in history is called the "Stolen Body Myth" all because of rumors.

Rumors destroy truths in the heart of the gullible and are the un-safest things to act on. They are statements or claims of questionable accuracy, from no known reliable source, usually spread by word of mouth says the dictionary.
It is important that we don't make decisions or reach conclusions from the stories we hear from people especially when they are inconsistencies. Among friends and families, don't hide issues from one another. If someone bring a report to you about another, ensure that the person is willing to testify in the presence of the accused person. Don't hear stories and your immediate response be "I will deal with him/her " . You are being unwise if you do so and people will always take advantage of you.

For you who have chosen to spread rumors especially those that destroy relationships, you are an enemy of God. For such are among the 7 things God hates as disclosed by Proverbs 6:16-19.
Proverbs 6:19 KJV - A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren”.

Maybe you have been a victim of rumors. Maybe someone has tarnished your image by false stories; I beseech to let go. Forgive the fellow who did you wrong so that God can heal your name. Or maybe you have reacted to someone unfairly by the Rumors you heard others spread of him or her, I beseech you also to go ask for forgiveness. Let our world be filled with peace and love as we follow God's way in Jesus Name!




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