Pathway to a Successful 2018: Character, Integrity and Reputation.


Consistency in character is a good trait. Only someone who's consistent in character can get something from God and men. God will be willing to share anything with a consistent person. It's a trait of everyone who walks with God.

Inconsistency in character is a bad omen. God can't do anything with anybody who's inconsistent in character, and men too.

An inconsistent person can't be trusted with anything. It's a trait of everyone rejected by God. It can spell doom for anyone except the person turns a new leaf.

What you say should match what you do. What you do should be able to relate with what you say too. Let your yes be yes and let your no be no.

A question was asked that will your private life recognize your public life when they meet? Are you a person with different personality at different times? Can you be held by your word? Will what you say and what you do recognize each other when their path cross?

I'm not referring to a feeling of inconsistency that makes people inadequately prepared for a shocker. Rather, I'm talking about an attitudinal formation that has been built overtime by deliberate and habitual negative thoughts.

Integrity is not same as reputation. Having reputation doesn't mean that you have integrity but having integrity can bring you reputation.

Reputation is what you put out for people to see and know about you, it's what people know of you. You can be inconsistent in character and still have reputation, this is a grand deception.

Integrity is a state of being honest and consistent in character, it's what people see and can relate with when they think of and relate with you.

God honours and recognizes integrity while men celebrate and worship reputation because God sees what men don't see.

Inconsistency in character has held sway that some of our daft, greedy, indolent and self driven politicians are revered above anyone else.

It's somewhat difficult to trust people these days because of their inconsistency. Trust is like a commodity, you have to have enough integrity to be able to purchase it. That's why trust is earned.

It'll take the intervention of the grace of God in a person's life to become and remain consistent in character. And this grace is available for all.

Our only work in cultivating a consistent character is to cooperate with the workings of the grace of God in our lives by living to please God alone and not men.

Let God be true and all men liars.

Character, Integrity and Reputation, pathway to success.

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