It's been around a year or more since I visited the CBD (Central Business District) which is Central, IFC (International Finance Centre) Mall. We're making life miserable for so many yet the festive spirit is flourishing. I remember when I was walking around IFC during highschool, being dressed up wasn't as common. I went on a Saturday today, and everyone is not only dressed up, they're in high festive spirit. How does a society separate itself from itself enough that so few in a small area can seem the happiest ever in spite of a looming world problem that is only escalating? This is the problem about humans like me, we can separate ourselves from the world.

I live in a "second class" CBD, it's more like a shopping and tourism district, so I compare the general feel of the crowd, and I realize while the outward behaviour and look is different, we in the tourism district aren't any better. I feel we're the same because we're in the same money system. When it's survival time, make or break, both IFC and tourism district crowd most likely share the same fears, have the same desires for happiness though it is expressed differently, and we do the same thing which is shop and eat stuff that makes us feel happy.

Compared to where I work, the attire and dress code I suppose is totally different. Another personality added up into a group character that again tweaks the extent of each desire, so the look and behaviour is different, but again we're all three of us in the same money system, sharing the exact same fears.

This I feel is a polarity more than what most call it as diversity. This kind of playing around with the same quality of desires I feel is something unacceptable made acceptable. Because how is a society supposed to function in agreement when a single disagreement is allowed? My observations probably will be the same all over the world, the same desires under different extents, so the conclusion is even the elite don't understand the simplest thing of how to manage a population to live under a unified principle, which gives benefits of easier explaining to do, banishment of dichotomies like the world getting physically worse and the mind getting mentally happier, and the pursuit of happiness that works within the physical boundaries thus allowing everyone to actually be able to be happy without an ignored side effect. No one in the world, not even the elite with all the money in the world, knows how to uplift an entire population from each person's mind, insinuating their life views aligning to the Physical = no one and nothing knows how to control any one of us. There is no actions being taken with the starting point of controlling you personally, Kasper Kwan, everyone willingly separated themselves into their own life, their own world, riding the wave until it cannot be physically possible to anymore, using a thing called money as the only way that makes a personal world possible, deliberately not investigating the money system under free choice, in spite of agreement existing in the investigation of the money system and the conclusions that can be made about what is physically possible and what lines cannot be allowed or crossed for each one, especially myself.

We are our own input acted on based on everything we have ever read, seen, heard, but there is no single person that is coordinating all our influences to ensure we are our personality as it is. The only one that can do that is each one, me, and only towards oneself, myself, so MY input = output which is this world.

Then there's Desteni that says the world cannot handle all of our greed added together through this physical reality, each one of you, needs to go back to basics to the Physical. And Desteni says the obvious, we each have one mind that has always ultimately supported the world collapsing, and we can use our mind without understanding how it works which creates side effects that becomes a nasty life experience for other people like you. This mind uses emotion and feeling to convince me I have no choice, I have no time, I must act on this emotions and feelings immediately, and this mechanism has always created poverty in its wake. To refer exclusively to what is physical, physically here is a common sense that is revolting to anyone who's experienced emotions and feelings. Therefore the resistance to change existed since humanity.

And Desteni says there is a method to overcome impulse, emotions and feelings, and anyone can do it if they're taught that. Desteni is the only group on Earth with the opinion that changing any part of myself should directly relate to my responsibility to the Earth, because I'm from Earth, which insinuates all the systems used to manage all the interactions on Earth, human or not. Which adds up to the idea that self change when done properly, i.e. when its direction is removing the emotional and feeling elements leaving the physical aspect of change intact and in balance, changes the world and affects the group. Affecting the group and changing the world includes changing how groups of people act, what rules or laws will be agreed on to be lived by by the group, how people spend their money, how people will calculate how to attain happiness, defining and demonstrating a form of happiness that includes balancing the physical reality, showing people they can exceed emotional/feeling gratification there is something better than energy, better than the next high, that's physical, revealing the common sense that emotions/feelings destroy what is physical and that we are physical beings therefore you don't have to act on the impulse yet if you don't understand how the impulse works and choose not to understand it, that's what abuse is and common sense is you always have time to understand impulses so you don't have an excuse for any emotional decision you've made and it's possible to live without energy's influence.

Desteni says we have always been creating the world it's only we've selectively registered parts of it. Implying that my awareness as it is is thinking the impossible, doing things that has side effects I don't even know exist but they exist. So the first item on the list is to correct this awareness starting from exactly what it is, because I've always had responsibility for existence and always been selective about my responsibilities.

There's nothing like humanity right now, me right now: war has never been waged so hard with the people so happy.

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