Well look at me being more positive about my future, had a good day.😁😄

I am in such a good mood today, my pains aren't getting me down as I received a message online in my Debt Management Plan telling me to stop making payments.

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It has been a long time coming, we have gone through a few difficult times for this and now its here I can say it was all worth it for how I feel today. I have to keep reading the letter as it makes me feel good and I can't believe it that we are debt free at last. I will never again use a credit card or loan to get what I want I will save unless its for something big like a new kitchen where I will go for interest free payments. I refuse to pay anyone any interest. A very good lesson to learn.

I have drilled it into my daughters head about borrowing and if you can't afford it don't buy it. They both are good with money. I wasn't really worries about my youngest as se takes after her dad being very tight with her money which isn't a bad thing but my oldest was a little more maintenance as she loved to
shop, thankfully after having a large overdraft and paying it all back she ow knows the value of money and not to be so free when you have worked hard for it. They are both into saving,

I have had a good day, my pains have eased, still there but nowhere near as bad as I was, I can now move without crying out and don't feel so sleepy. I think my above ^^ news ha woke me up and kept me focused on at last something good has happened. Its also down hill towards the ned of my Mortgage, December this house is ours and then we owe no one anything.

When you work hard for your money the last thing you need is having to hand it over to someone else for something you probably don't need. I now think do I need it, where will it go and will I miss it if I don't buy it and usually I end up walking away without it. 2020 has shown us all what's important and what we need. I haven't bought any new clothes for us either as we didn't need anything as had nowhere to go so saved a fortune. I have a wardrobe full of clothes, some that hasn't been worn. Money doesn't necessarily make me happy, having it makes my life easier it the easy life that makes me happy. :)

I haven't done much today apart from keep on top of my emails filling in the surveys as they arrive which has made me more money as I usually miss out on a few. I was playing a game on my mobile Matchington Mansion I have deleted it as it was taking up to much if my day, I now have more time to be more efficient. 2021 is going to be a better year for me, anything is better that 2020, looking forward feeling positive.

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