The weather has changed quickly, lots of snow.

When we were out last week buying the new console table for the fish tank we noticed they were selling side tables at a reduced price that matched the console table, we would have bought them last week but they wouldn't fit in the car. We decided today we would go through and pick them up, the weather wasn't to bad when we left.

The weather soon changed, we picked up the tables then I bought myself a Winter coat I hate Coats Hubby made me buy one as the weather changed really quick. We dropped into a cafe for a coffee then left as the snow really started to come down.

It was a 20 minute drive home, it got heavier the closer we got to home. I am not a snow fan so not happy its laying and getting thicker. We decided to drop into Asda to pick up some things for Tea. If this stays I will be staying in the house until it goes.

Here is hubby putting the shopping into the car. its not looking good.

If the snow continues to fall and lay hubby will not be able to go to work. Meaning more weeks without pay. Praying it has gone in the morning.

Thank you @son-of-satire

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