My last post before HardFork 21 is go... Good luck and see you all on the other side 😁😁

Its the 21st Hardfork tomorrow, a lot of us will be waiting patiently for news. It will be the 1st day for a long time that i won't be posting or voting, what will we do with all this spare time. I suppose i could get a few jobs done that have been waiting a while but then who will watch on here for any news, so looks like i will be stuck to my phone waiting for news. Fingers crossed the Hardfork goes through pain free...

Tomorrow we have a Bank Holiday, hubby is off, Pippy (my daughters pup) has gone home so we may just go off to the food festival that is being held at Bents Park near the Sea front, I have seen a few posts on Facebook about it, it sounds interesting with lots of different food on offer. looks a lot of fun.

Food festica 2.jpg

This will help me take my mind of what is going on here, i will have my phone with me, i will keep checking on posts or any news about Steemit, whilst always hoping its going through smoothly.

My house is really quiet now Pippy has gone home, my 3 pups are seeping soundly, think she has worn them out. Hubby is missing her, think he really wanted to keep her. I think she enjoyed her time here, she enjoyed having company and she made a best friend with Luna.

On another story

Hubby got a surprise, i had seen a ad on Facebook of someone making wooden products by hand ad in the colour you wanted. Hubby enjoys a good whisky, he wants to buy a few good bottle but has nowhere to store them. I ordered him a Black wooden storage unit, it arrived this week.

whisy rack.jpg

This will be placed on our kitchen wall so he can store hos bottles and glasses and keep them out of the way. I am going to get the same man to make a unit for my garden to show off my pots, I may get him to make a nice unit for my back garden to match my decking, maybe a small ladder to make a new Bee section.

Its going to be a strange night not having the pup, i may sleep a bit better knowing she is safe at home. Jess has text me saying it looks like PIP is missing us, she will probably be missing Luna as they played all day, never stopping until bedtime where they both crashed as soon as they got on to the bed. Can I manage another pup, I have always wanted a house full of dogs but with being older the work load may be a bit to much even though i have Nichola off work. The one thing i can't stand is a pup looking sad

PIP sad.jpg


That is me out until the HardFork is over, hopefully i will get to read what you have all been up to on Monday 26th HardFork 21. Stay safe and wishing all the big guys working on this good luck.

Thank you @son-of-satire

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