Its starting to look a lot like Christmas... Its nearly here again.

Its Friday 20th Of December, 4 more days until that big guy in red breaks into our homes and leaves presents. I Wish. That would make our job as parents at Christmas so much easier. My children are grown now they don't believe in him anymore they now know its mum and dad or should say Mum who does all the hard work as opening the presents on Christmas morning usually surprises dad too. That's how it worked here, i bought the presents, i wrapped the presents, santa got all the praise and dad asks Did we buy them that.


The older i get the less Christmassy i feel, i used to be excited about watching there little faces light up with all the mystery. There is no little ones in our family so Christmas is just like most days apart from the odd glass of something to drink and extra treats that we will regret in the New Year.

I still have bits to do for Christmas just can't muster up any enthusiasm. After the year i have had i dont have any energy or motivation for the rushing around buying enough food for a week when the shops are shut for 2 days. I have got better at that as i have got older, i only buy what i am going to use, no more frozen cakes or treats as they never get used then after the celebrations we have to eat them just cos they are there. I write a list of what meals we will be having and only buy for them.

Another job i really dislike is wrapping presents, you wrap them neatly with nice paper they rip the paper off then throw it in the recycling, so much work for nothing. I am buying more paper bags this year, easier to open then the bags get folded up for next year. No waste and no extra expense. I have a suitcase filled with bags i have bought over the years or bags others have given to me with presents. Save them and reuse them.


Tomorrow we are getting stuck into getting the house cleaned, get all the washing done and put away. I like to have Christmas day and Boxing day indoors, i hate the idea of going sales shopping on Boxing day. This Christmas is going to be a quiet one, only having 2 quests that will stay a couple of hours then just me, hubby and Nichola playing a few board games and watching Christmas movies.

What have you got planned?

Thank you @son-of-satire

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