I had 3 days of being stalked by a wild beast 🐈 🐈‍⬛️🐈‍⬛️ 🤬

I wrote a post last night about my 3 days away staying with my 3 week old granddaughter, I mentioned there car and promised to post about my near death trip being stalked abs attacked by there evil cat Plop.



When I first met Plop I thought she was a beautiful cat, she was OK with me but scratched my hubbys and ripped is coat. I thought we would get along but I think she was fooling me waiting for her chance to get me.

From the very moment I arruved at my daughters she had her eyes on me, My daughter told me when her pupils are big she not happy plus she had a meow for being happy and another for being angry but for me they sounded the same.

She watched me all the time, she wasn't very happy so my daughter said give her a few treats she will love that, I went into the treat cupboard, she jumped down from where she was sitting and rubbed her body against my legs, I opened the treat bag then went to put a few treats down for her when she lashed out with her paw scratching me on my hand, I jumped back in fear. From then I was very wary around her.

There is a large bookcase next to the stairs, Plop sits on top of it and watches what's going on, she sits just above your head, when walking past I would lower my head as she would lash out with her paw. I tried to stay out of her way but she had her places where she would like to hide. She would sit under my daughters computer chair or be sitting on the seat in the bathroom or her favourite place on the stairs not letting me past her.

I was going up to bed when I saw her on the stairs, her pupils were large and she started to hiss at me, she then raised her back into an arch then jumped towards me, I managed to jump backwards into the room again. My daughter cane to help.

When my daughter first moved into the house Plop was much the same with her but when she got pregnant with my granddaughter she completely changed towards my daughter, she would sit next to my daughters with her head in her stomach, she knew there was a baby. Now Plop cuddles up to my daughter when she is sleeping abs even accepts strokes and cuddles.


Plop is really gentle with the baby, she loves Evie, I really think she is guarding Evie making sure I'm not there to hurry her out take her away.

On my last day Plop must have seen I wasnt going to do anything to Evie as she started getting closer to me, as soon as she did my body froze, I think she liked knowing she scared me. She would come closer to me her eyes not looking evil and meow I still didn't want to push it so true to stay calm and ignore her. She seemed to relax around me and calmed down, I think she knew I was going home.

She is a beautiful cat with gorgeous eyes when not looking at me. If only she was calmer she would get loads of cuddles.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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