Clearing my house 🏠 off all the clutter, organised home means an organised mind. 😊😊

I am still trying to declutter my house, I think if I live alone I would become a hoarder. I'm always thinking oh we may use that, that will find in handy for something then it sits there until the next clear out. Hubby is the same as me he likes to keep thinks instead of throwing them or passing them on to someone who would use it.


This time we have decided if we haven't used it for a treat then we don't need it so that's how I am thinking whilst decluttering. We have done our bedroom, we have have a few storage boxes full of our stuff that we put into the spare room until we had new boxes and the time to go through it.

I had a few large wicker baskets sitting on my wardrobe, I have to buy new ones as they were brown and I need Black or Grey. I had a few thinks stored in them such as skin and hair care, hair brushes, make up, Dvds and videos. I have bought a few more boxes that will look better plus the new boxes are smaller making it easier to lift off and on.

I am going to start on the stuff we have stored in our spare room. Once we get that sorted we will be able to start getting our spare room ready, there is a bed in there already, its sat under quite a few boxes that need emptying.

We have done quite a bit already, there are a few things that have held back the progress such as Christmas, New Year and birthdays, there is nothing planned for the next few months so should be able to get quite a bit done.

Our next big task is my daughters bedroom, she needs somewhere to relax, she has her own ideas for her room, she wants a library wall where she will have loads of shelves filled with books she has read plus a reading corner. We are going to have to declutter her room to as she can hoard a few things to. She needs a new bed, lots of shelfs, palm tree paper plus an area for her Parrotlet.

I will take her room shopping when she's ready but first she has to empty her room and give it a thorough clean before we start adding new furniture. This is her job, we can help when needed. She has to do the hard work.

I am seeing big changes in my house, the decluttering has soothed my mind quite a bit, when the house is in order my head is in order, I can think better and have noticed hubby is starting to relax more. He has plans to go back to golf in the Summer so that means a few hours peace and quiet where I can have time to myself.

Its bedtime again, I have time to empty another basket before getting into bed, I am trying to use all my spare time to be productive and get little things done. Slowly and steadly gets things done.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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