Why is humility mistaken for timidity and confidence for arrogance AND The Vice-Versas. ??

Theres got to be reasons why people define these differently or mistake Humility and confidence for timidity and arrogance respectively ,and the vice versa.

This is an interaction section I started yesterday .Every day topics will be put on board for discussion. Please , if there are any concerns ,kindly leave them as comments.... There are a lot of topics that needs clarity .. and a lot of them are questions people ask and face. I think knowing you are not alone in your world of thought releives a lot of us.

Advices, work . But I beleive tactical approaches can be learnt from people as they share ,support ,educate, and ask questions.

On my previous post ,

@skodie @nigtroy and @enoch158 @akakpoeben shared with us how they define #STRESS and how they deal with it, I've realised these are great writers, kindly follow them and enjoy their amazing posts. It's also never late to visit,
šŸ‘‰ https://steemit.com/life/@karen-k/what-is-stress-what-do-you-do-when-you-are-stressed-kindly-share

And leave your comments....

What is stress? Are you wondering what stress is, you might want to read this šŸ‘‰ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_stress before you visit my last post.

Now back to the topic for today..

Humility is not timidity.jpg

Let's hit it ! Humility vs Timidity
And arrogance vs confidence
Whats the difference ,why do you think we interchange them,?

Note: tomorrow,I'll post a summary gathered concerning the topic ,STRESS.

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