What if human used 100 % of their Brains ???

You've probably heard this before that humans can only use 10 % of their brain. while the rest of our brain capacity  goes untapped it's much peddled myth with many different origins but, the general idea seems to stem from a mistaken belief that 90% of the cerebral organ consist of  '' Glial Cell.'' which merely serve to link neurons however as neurologists have gradually gained a deeper understanding of the brain's properties most of debunk this idea as nothing more than a tall tale regurgitated by popular media outing like '' Lucy. '' 

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In reality over the course of a day humans actually can utilize 100 % of their brain but we rarely access all of its capacities simultaneously. The brain is powerful beast that consumes more energy than anything else in the body. Therefore efficiency is crucial to prevent exhaustion or burnout in order to avoid wasting resources. the brain prioritizes certain region that tend to be accessed more regularly by the user altogether it's an expensive interconnected network packed with hundreds of possible connections allowing for a wide range of behaviors. But as humans form routines the brain starts prioritizing specific neurological pathways to increase productivity . while other regions have worked more sporadically while this method preserves energy while performing everyday tasks over reliance leads to decreased flexibility and the formation of habits good or bad.

Neuroplasticity is popular buzzword within brain research circles it describes the brain's ability to rewire itself and form new neural connection. Allowing us to learn new from an evolutionary standpoint this helps the brain to compensate for any region that might have lost functionality due to illness or injury  this process doesn't appear automatically though and requires the neurons to be repeatedly stimulated by performing activities. Which turn enable new pathways to be strengthened so stimulating a wider range of connection by trying new things or repeating established skills can improve your Neuroplasticity. Resulting in faster learning and heightened flexibility practice makes perfect is more than just an old wives tale as repeated performance correlates with higher Neurological connectivity. 

Last things anyone should want is for the brain to literally fire 100% of it's neurons at the same time as over stimulation what likely cause a seizure if you're striving to truly unlock your full cognitive potential. As you explore more and more of of your brain's potential so although there aren't any special cheat codes or drugs that instantly activate 100% of your brain as birth of movies and the hypothetical benefits would be far less cartoonish than suggested by certain films we needn't feel as though we're wasting brain power that's irretrievably locked away from us because a well-balanced brain is achievable if you're prepared to routinely break away from routine by regularly mixing up and challenging yourself you blow the dust out of even the creepiest of cognitive corners and the rewards of well-balanced brain are definitely with the efforts you.

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