Never Stop Dreaming, WHY

Why do we stop dreaming?

What would we be without our dreams? We would be like ships because of dreams, because dreams make our lives meaningful. Without dreams we would have no reason to get out of bed every morning. Our lives would be gray and we would have no reason to continue to exist. Dreams. Because, when a human being has the possibility to make a dream come true, it makes his life seem interesting.

There are many circumstances that could keep us from dreaming. Is it the daily routine, perhaps the stress that causes us daily life? Could it be the disappointments caused by someone who was special in our lives?

Someone one day told me that when dreams died, the person got older, it was as if he lost the strength and the spirit to continue fighting. If you think about it, the dream is only the illusion of being able to achieve, achieve or reach a certain goal, but you must be willing to work perseveringly to achieve what you want. However, as is the longing that motivates you to continue, if this engine fades, then why continue?

A dream can die because something (for example, a situation) or someone (including you) poses a "not possible" or a "you can not" and you believe it. I think if you talk to anyone who has triumphed in a field, he or she will tell you that it was not easy to get what you wanted and one of the things you faced was the "you can not." Take those words and turn them into a kind of gasoline that prompts you to follow, that "prick you". The problem is generated when you create those words and you begin to define them based on them. Words are so powerful that they can transform or create a situation.

To fear I also condemn it as a dream killer. When something causes fear, it blocks you and, if you allow it, can paralyze you in the midst of your conquest. I use words like fighting, conquering and other warlike terms because for me to fulfill a dream is never given in a simple way, but it is necessary to free a battle to do so. Fear has the ability to make you see the enemy (what you have to face) much bigger and more powerful in relation to how you conceive yourself.

On the other hand, dreams can also die from laziness to fight for them

Whatever reason you have, you should never stop dreaming. Many people advise that we should ask ourselves one question: What do I want? It is a simple question, but it has a very deep answer and only we ourselves can answer it.

Other people, on the other hand, have created a daily routine thanks to positive thinking. The important thing is that you can spend a few minutes every day writing some small notes about what you want. You must write and share your ideas. you must be very organized. Organization and planning are important elements to achieve your goals in life.

When you start writing your ideas, do not stop, you just have to do it, do not stop to judge them if they are good or real. You must shape those dreams. Without slowing, without question, without deciding, without judging, just writing and writing what you really want.

Never stop dreaming

Remember that you can only live once, learn to live doing what makes you happy.

It all starts with a dream.

You have to be realistic. Dreaming is not enough, because to make your dream come true you have to work hard, you have to learn a lot, and you have to commit yourself a lot too. But if you do not have that initial dream, you will never have any of those things that you want for your life. there would be direction and most importantly there would not be the illusion that dreaming gives us.

When was the last time you dreamed?

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