In a social relationship, the leader position is earned, not chosen.

Although life is full of surprises, when plans suddenly change you become angry? Are those around you always telling you that you’re a control freak?

There are some signs that you might be over controlling, so if you find yourself in them, maybe you want change some aspects about yourself.


The need to always correct others

Those who have a high need of being in control are always correcting others. You could correct their grammar, you could rationalize their arguments and contradict them, or you constantly try to change others.

Obviously, it’s normal to tell someone if they act inappropriately, but if you tend to correct behaviors constantly, it’s clear that you have a control problem.

If you have a belief that you’re always right and the rest are wrong, maybe you should accept the fact that people are different than you and so are their opinions, and that doesn’t mean that they’re always wrong.

You don’t admit when you’re wrong

Nobody is perfect, so it’s normal to make mistakes. The ability to admit when you’ve done something wrong is a proof of maturity.

Making a mistake doesn’t make us less valuable. Even in relationships, it’s recommended that you take a step back and admit you might be wrong.

It is a proof of love and respect. If you’re a control freak, you will always try to make the rules and expect others to follow them.

The thing is, in social relationship, the leader position is earned, not chosen.

You always have something bad to say

Control freaks always criticize others, no matter if we’re talking about their behavior, their clothes, their aspect and so on.

Most of the times, the criticizing comes with opinions like “This is how he/she should be”. This is an attitude of someone who believes that he has all the answers.

If you still want to have friends, let go of this behavior. Maybe the decisions of others don’t fit with your beliefs, but everyone has the right to live the life they want.

Frustration, anger and anxiety

How do you react when things don’t go your way? Are you easily annoyed, are you suddenly agitated when things “get out of hand”? It’s impossible for a human being to have control over everything!

When your reactions become too hard to control it’s time to do something about it. The world doesn’t revolve around you, and if you keep acting like this, the world will actually begin to avoid you.

Search help from a therapist or someone you trust. Be prepared to accept their feedback and to correct your ways, if you want to have a normal life.

Thanks, @jwolf.

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