Delivering and Naming The First "Crypto" Calves at the County Fair - (First Steps Video Included)


Last week at our County Fair I had the opportunity to help deliver a couple of dairy calves. It was quite the experience and while I didn't document the actual birth.. because for one my hands were kind of full.. and well, I figured that would be a bit too much for some of you ;) I was able to grab my phone shortly after to grab a few shots as well as a short video.

One of the coolest parts of the experience was that while visiting with the owner she asked if I wanted to name the little guys. As they would be registered in the State of California and would be brought to the fair next year. She said in the past they let those who help with the birth have the honor of naming them... and well.. I couldn't turn down the opportunity for a bit of name recognition ...

So let me introduce you to the first ever Crypto Calves at the County Fair!

Bitcoin (Lil Bit)


STEEM (Steemie)


The owner thought it was quite comical and we did pick out some nicknames to make them a bit easier to call out, but yes... STEEM will be represented at the County Fair next year. Pretty cool right?

It did start a conversation of crypto in general with the few people there, which was exactly the point. We ended up having a good chat as well as exchanging information so I could answer more questions along the way.

This first time Mom didn't seem to mind the name, and both Momma's and Babes were doing great.



This is an ongoing project at our local fair, in fact I remember hanging around the area as a kid just fascinated by watching new life.


The expecting Mama's are brought in and are monitored by vets 24/7 as well as having open access to anyone who wants to come and have an up close experience with the animals. It's pretty amazing to watch small children's eyes light up when they get to touch the calves, as well as watch them take their first steps and first suckle of Mama's milk.


After getting all cleaned up by Mama, and taking a little rest, STEEM (Steemie) was ready to try his hand at walking and attempting to do his first feeding. It took him awhile to get the hang of it, but I was able to capture a quick video.

As someone who has grown up around animals and delivered many, this still never gets old. There is something awe inspiring about animals, and watching the interaction between them. There is also something about the bond of those animals and the humans that help raise, nurture and take care of them from birth. A bond many probably don't understand, but it is there all the same.

So while many celebrities are calling for the end of the cattle industry, I recommend more individuals go out and meet the folks raising cattle.. because while there are some bad players out there, especially in the large and industrial facilities, most cattle ranchers don't take the responsibility lightly and those animals are more than just animals to them, they are family.

Know your farmers, your ranchers, shop local ... and take a moment to know where your food comes from - as what you support is what you get.

Steps off soap box.

Also, who knows.. maybe we will see STEEM or Bitcoin as the Grand Champion at next year's County Fair.. how is that for a good stunt? ;)

Much Love and Steem On,


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