Average American Watches 76-Days of T.V. a Year...


T.V. is a real, genuine waste of your time and life. You cannot get your time back, and it is the most precious commodity you have.

According to recent statistics, the average American spends more than 5-hours a day watching T.V. That is insane! This is a total of of 76-days a year! This amount of energy and time should be focused on actual pursuits.

Spending time on the couch watching T.V. for 76-days a year is a colossal waste of health as well. Awful chronic health effects of sitting and watching can include diabetes and obesity. America is a sick nation, and I am not fear mongering with this fact.

Turn off the T.V. and focus on getting healthy, learning a new language, learning to program or trade. Do something else!


Picture from Pixabay.


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