Moral Upbringing


Tade and Feyi got married 5 years after courtship, it was a marriage made in heaven. Friends and family members were happy for the couple. ”We have waited for a very long time and lost hope but I am glad, they have finally tied the knot.” This was Tonia’s speech (The Chief bridesmaid).

A year after the wedding, they gave birth to a pretty girl. She was named Esther. She grew up to be intelligent, smart and beautiful. Her mother did well to teach her even at her younger age. When she was 3 years old, her mother bought her a bible storybook, she took her time to read to her about the stories in the bible.

Her fourth birthday was flamboyant. Her parents invited all their friends to the party to celebrate with their little girl. A week after, Tade lost his job – the company accountant ran away with company’s money and as the managing director, he was blamed for the mishap. He was jailed for two weeks before he was declared innocent and let go. He got home and changed totally from the man Feyi married and the Father Esther knew.

He stopped caring about anyone at home, got home drunk most times at odd hours. Feyi have been patient till a night she couldn’t take it anymore and spoke out. She was beaten black and blue by her husband. She has never seen him like that before. She cried her out. In her confused state, she couldn’t tell anyone because she hated third party involvement in her marriage.

The beating and abuse continued. She became a regular patient in the nearby hospital. One late afternoon, while they were eating. He slapped Feyi and left the dining room. Esther looked at her mum, she saw the tears and sadness on her face. She went to her and held her tight. ”My mummy, don’t cry. Everything will be alright.” She said as her mother held her tight.

When Esther got to her room, she knelt down and prayed for her parents. Tears came down her face, she felt they were breaking up because love was not in the house anymore. She prayed for minutes till she slept off. She woke up with heavy heart and continued her prayers.

It got worse over the months. They have stopped going to church or family prayers. Tade has tried to apply for other jobs but nothing came out of it. He had to sell his cars and his land to survive. He still continued to beat his wife and ignore his daughter. Esther has had enough of her father’s behavior.

She went angrily to her parent bedroom, her father was about to beat her mother with his leather belt. She looked at him with disgust.

“Daddy! I have had enough of this. Will you stop beating my mother?” She ordered. Her father was amazed, he became speechless and dropped the belt. Feyi was amazed at her daughter’s courage.

“My mother have read bible stories for me and I have never heard of a man beating his wife. Why are you then beating my mum since you said we follow bible in this house?” Tade stuttered, he couldn’t utter a word.

”From today, if you ever beat my mum again. We will leave this house and never come back. Mummy, stand up, let us go to my room to pray.” She was so blunt and courageous. Her mother stood up and followed her to room to pray.

Tade stood motionless for minutes. He couldn’t place what just happened to him. Tears came down from his eyes. He went to his daughter’s room and was scared to join in their prayers. He said a silent amen. As soon as his wife came out, he knelt down and begged her with all the soberness in his heart. She knelt down and hugged him tight. Esther joined in too.

From that day on, they continued morning and night devotion and as we know, our God never sleeps. He got a new job that comes with better salary than the previous job. He came a better husband and father. He was forgiven by his family. That is how a little girl saved her family.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Train up your child in the way of the Lord and when he/she grows, he/when will give you peace.

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