I have 40 years now and life does not suck. Something must be wrong with me ... or not.

I have 40 years and my life does not suck. Something must be wrong with me. According to the social standards acceptable today, when you reach 40 years of age the man must be potbellied, full of debts and credit cards that force him to work in a job that he does not like to be able to pay them and also, he must keep a family and a house. I speak of that pre-conceived standard that many people expect to find in you when you say you are 40 years old.

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I must be honest, the family thing gives me a little envy. Yes, I have a son but I do not live with him and I do not like that much. It is one of my dreams to live in a house with a traditional family. Despite being very liberal, with feelings of anarchist and everything else I would like to be able to form a traditional family. (And I do not repeat it just for pleasure)

But of course, it is also far from being part of my reality, or I want it to be, the fat belly, the life full of debts, credit cards or to work on something I do not want. Maybe it's because of that anarchist spirit that I mentioned before, formed in Cuba when I always went against what they said or asked me. My allergy to the "masses" (a large group of people who function as animals following orders without thinking) started early. On the island I saw that everyone was taking a certain direction and I always tried to go in the opposite direction. "Warrior without cause" is how people name this in Cuba by the way, and it was something like my middle name for many years.

Although I also named it "individuality" and "Independence"!

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And well, this fight for individuality and also independence (dependence on the state is very strong in Cuba, in every sense, and from what I have seen here in Germany is also very strong) led me in 2012 to know about Bitcoin and Crypto-currencies.

Economic independence!

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That phrase almost sounds illegal in this globalized world ruled by central banks that dictate that strange idea we have about money now (yes, as strange as the idea of what a "socially adapted" man should be like when he reaches his 40th birthday ... according to this I am an antisocial, I love it!) and that it has only managed to create something similar to slavery, only with another name.

Now you do not call yourself a slave, but a worker.

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And it's not that I'm a millionaire and I do not have to work anymore, nothing is more distant from reality than that. I am a Cuban who had his first bank account at the age of 29 and who had to learn a language from scratch, to live surrounded by different people, how to live in Capitalism and everything else that for many here is normal, They were born with that. Therefore I have a job but as a self-employed worker, because yes, I have managed to be my own boss. In this I have had the help of the knowledge that I have acquired throughout all these years of study and preparation and of course, the crypto-coins also in some moments of need (yes, I sold Bitcoins at 600 euros and other things more like that but I do not regret it at all, that money was enjoyed to the fullest :P )

Because nothing comes for free!

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The time one dedicates to learning or studying something is invaluable and the truth is that I do not stop studying or learning something new every day. That I did my goal in life at a given time (I was about 7 years old) and I do not think it will change. I even think that curiosity is one of the things that has helped me the most to be in the position I am in right now.

Being able to manage my time as I want is a luxury!

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At least in this developed European society of the first world and in Cuba things are the same, I do not see any difference in that sense. In both there is someone who always tries to control you in some way. Above all, control what you dedicate your time to and what you pay attention to.

Steemit right now is a good example of everything I say!

Since I started in Steemit in June 2016 there are many things that I have achieved thanks to this platform and I do not speak only in the monetary field although that is worth mentioning, it has given me some peace of mind in my monetary independence. But also, Steemit has changed my way of thinking in many aspects, it has helped me to collide with people who have similar ideas like mines but at the same time, these people are different in other aspects, they have become good friends and in the process they have opened doors to places and knowledge that I did not even know existed in some cases. Well, that happens to me in general in this social network with acquaintances or strangers. For my Steemit it is a wealth of infinite knowledge!

And as it seems, I will reach 50 years without my life being stinking!

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Of course everything can change, in just a second, that I have it very clear because life has been responsible for demonstrating it openly, but I am one of those who think that our thoughts and our way of seeing life can transform reality ( and I do not speak of madness or something like that ;) although that is always present a bit) that surrounds us in an impressive way because, not only does it change us but it can even change in a way all those people that surround us or who come to interact with us at a given moment. And of course, it also happens in the other sense, they affect us too. But hey, I say it more in the sense that I do not think I will change much in these ten years, it may be but I do not think that will happen.

And now, better stop talking so much and enjoy the 40s!

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