A world without problems is a graveyard


The road to destiny is often filled with hurdles, disappointments, discouragements, opposition, distractions, discomforts, struggles and lots of challenges. The purpose is to make you lose hope and to let go of your dreams. Challenges are not in anyway signs you cannot make it, but proof that there's something better at the end of the tunnel if you don't give up. Challenges are food of champions. Remember, life without problems is an illusion.

*"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes."*- **Henry J. Kaiser.**
     Without challenges, how can we distinguish and separate winners from losers, champions from failures, players from spectators, achievers from non-achievers, or between victors from victims.
    The world does not mind people who has no minds. Those who have a mind will always think of a way out. Rather than see problems as limitations and obstacles, they see them as opportunities. Problems are sign of life.
  Heaven is a place without problems because all the answers are in God. He placed us here so we could find the answers.
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