Quote Of The Day.

"The true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing".



We think that we know everything, but in realty we really don't. It's important to know the basics of the human body, and what we are supposed to eat.

That is acceptable, but when it comes to know how life works, and where we came from, we don't know about those things. Why do we have to know everything?

Life is supposed to be fun, and playful. We came here to experience this magnificent thing we call life.

A lot of us take life so seriously, and we try to find all the answers. Good luck with that because there is an infinite amount of information out there, and you probably won't be alive to find all the answers anyways.


I never talk bad about religion, but it seems to me that religion seems to know all the answers to life. My problem with that statement is that we really don't have any answers about our existence.

I went to Sunday school, and church when I was a kid. We were told that there is this guy with a white robe, white beard, and a staff is the one that created the universe.

How do we even know that is true? Also, we were told that after we die, we either go to a beautiful place called heaven, or a demonized place called hell, depending on how we served the world.

If that is to be true, how come whenever we ask answers from God, he don't answer? He's supposed to be the most powerful being on the planet, so he should to answer our questions, right?

big bang.jpg

We were then told by a group of scientist that after a big bang that happened, we all suddenly appeared on the planet. First of all, there has not been any evidence supporting that there actually was a big bang, and second of all, it's a theory.

That's why the scientific term is pronounced as the big bang "theory". It's only a theory, and theories is nothing more then just predictions.

It doesn't mean that it's actually true. We have to stop trying to figure everything out. No one can't figure out themselves yet.

So don't try to figure out what this whole life thing is about because you won't be able to find any information.


Have fun and enjoy life. Stop asking for all the answers, and just accept the way life is. Of course, there is problems in the world that needs to be fixed, no doubt about that.

When it comes try to be a know it all, and trying to find out everything, it's not going to happen. Just live life to the fullest and enjoy yourself! :)

P.S Please note that anything I said about religion was to offend anyone, it wasn't just my own opinion about it. :)

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