Why Money Is Not Necessary, And Why We Don't Need It?


We have been living off this thing called money for centuries. In reality, it's just a piece of paper and we give this piece of paper value.

We use it to pay for shelter,food, insurance, and automobiles. We also use it to sell things that we don't use anymore.


Do you ever wonder why we need an accommodation to live, but other sentient beings don't? Why do we have to rely on a piece of paper to live?

Nature already provides us with abundance, and we don't have to pay for it. We decided for some odd reason to let money control us.

A bird doesn't have to pay to go migrate to a different climate when it gets cold, but we do. A bird doesn't have pay to eat from nature, but we do.


That's the other thing I want to talk about. Why do have to pay to eat food that's already grown from the ground for free, and we charge money to eat it.

It doesn't make any sense to me, that we have to pay for something that nature has already provided us. We should be able to eat what nature gives without any payment involved.

That's why we have a lot of starving people in the world today, and there is a solution to the problem.


We have to connect back to our true nature. We have to stop consuming stuff that we don't need, and aren't important.

What we need to do is come together as one, live off of what nature has already given us for food, and we can use our creativity to build shelter for ourselves.

Life is supposed to be about freedom and abundance, not being a slave to a dumb piece of paper.

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