How To Overcome Your Fear?

We all have fears about something, and it can be scary sometimes. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be scary.

You can conquer any fear if you put your mind to it, I'm going to give you tips that I think will be helpful. These tips that I will give you I have learned and applied in my own life. So here are some tips I think will help you. :)

#1. Relax!


A lot of fear comes from a lot of stress and anxiety. I remember when I use to have a lot of fears, I'd have a lot anxiety and sometimes I would almost have a panic attack.

I've learned on my journey that we have to relax, and calm down. We have to just lay back a little bit and not put so much focus on the fear we have.

What I learned to do that has helped me is to be mindful. When I see a thought of something I fear about, I just let them come and go without any judgement.

Mindfulness meditation is a great tool to use to become mindful. So just relax, don't let your fears take you over, and just let those fearful thoughts come and go.

#2. Change Your Perspective About Fear


A lot of us see fear as a bad thing. We see fear as our worst enemy, and we do the best we can to get away from our fear.

I remember on my early journey, I had a lot of fear of talking to women. It was really scary to me, and it felt as if every women I wanted to talk to would reject me.

I still get fears of that once in a while, and I'm here to tell you that if you can change your perspective about fear, we can then realize that the fear we had actually wasn't that bad.

I see fear as one of my greatest teachers, and fear can teach you a lot about yourself. Fear can help you become the better version of yourself.

So once we can see fear in a whole different way, we can realize that our fear was nothing more than just a teacher from the school of life, trying to teach us more about ourselves.

#3. The Fear Acronym

fear acronym.jpg

Fear it'self is just an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. I love that acronym because we have a lot of fears about something that hasn't even happened yet.

I always say that fear is linked to the future, and the future of course hasn't even happened yet. So we have to stay present and not think about the future so much.

There is also two other acronyms that represent fear. The concept of these two acronyms is to choose how you will respond to your fear.

One of the two acronyms is Forget Everything And Run, and the other acronym is Face Everything And Rise. So now the choice is yours.

If we start facing four fears instead of running away from our fears, we can then rise from that fear and become a better version of ourselves.

#4. Stop Watching TV


A lot of stuff that's on TV is linked to fear. It distracts us so much that it seems as we are controlled

TV is nothing more than a brainwashing invention. If you say the word TV phonetically it's "Tells A Vision". So that means that it is telling you information that will brainwash you to fear everything, and be a slave to the system.

We watch TV because we want to be entertained. We want to know what's going on in the world.

Have you've seen what has been on TV lately? A lot of it is fear based information, and people are entertained by it. Then they go outside and see the world as a very bad place.

Once we get rid of the TV, we won't programmed by fear, we will be in life's hands, and there won't be anything to worry about because the universe will take care of us.

#5 Change Your Diet


Changing to a plant based diet will help you get rid of fear. A plant based diet will help you be relaxed and you will be healthy.

When an animal is in a slaughter house, they have a lot of fear inside them because they know that they are going to get killed. When you eat the meat, that fearful energy is going to absorb inside you and you will feel the same fear that the animal had.

So once we start eating a more plant based diet, we soon be fearless, we won't attract any fear in our life because a plant based diet is essential to our overall health, and what nature gave us is good not evil.

Hope you guys have a blessed day, and remember that life doesn't have to suck!:)

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