Get Out Of Your Mind!


We have a lot of thoughts that pop in our heads, and we let our minds control us. We become what we are thinking about, and we become enslaved to our thoughts.

A lot of the thoughts we have are either linked to the past, or the future. We have guilt from our past, and anxiety about the future.

We then judge ourselves for thinking about those thoughts, and we be thinking about why we were thinking what we were thinking. That's a lot of thinking, right?

After we have all these thoughts in our heads, now we are in a stage called overthinking. Overthinking is nothing more than problems you created for yourself.


We have to get out of minds and come to our senses. We have to being mindful of our surroundings and build more awareness.

We are supposed to be the most highly conscious and most aware beings on the planet. Unfortunately because of the way society, and the way things are today, we have lost our consciousness, and we have become unaware of the world around us.

We have to start being present because being present is our natural state. We have to connect to mother nature, and rebuild our consciousness.


In order to rebuild our consciousness, we have to realize and be aware of the lies we have been told. We have to realize that things we think are true are actually lies.

Tomorrow, I'm going to do a blog post about the lies we have thought to be true. So stay tuned for that, and It will guarantee to blow your mind away.

Some people that are true with nature, are aware of the things that are happening on the planet. Most of the population on the other hand are so unaware of what' going on.

So we have to get out of our minds and start opening ourselves to our surrounding and really observe what's happening on the planet.

I hope this helped you, and stay tuned for tomorrow's blog, where I talk about the things we thought to be true, are actually lies. Have a blessed day everyone, and my love goes out to you! :)

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