Quote Of The Day.

"The greatest wealth is to live content with little".



In today's world, we are living by consuming things. We consume a lot of things just for a sense of power. It's crazy especially on Black Friday, when people are all lined up to buy something, people kill each other just for a single item.

We need to realize that things like TV's, clothes, shoes, and jewelry don't have any life form. They don't benefit our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

They are just pure nothingness, and we have to get out of the idea of just buying, and keeping things because they don't last forever.

A lot of the times when people are buying things especially clothes, we don't even wear them. I got rid of some clothes that I don't even wear, and I notice how much space I have.

I'm not on the verge of becoming a minimalist yet, but at some point in my life, I will definitely consider it.

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The great comedian George Carlin said that a lot of us only live buy two things, shopping and eating. We are living in a big shopping mall.

A study showed that the state of happiness and well being has declined due to increase of consumerism.

This is one of the reason's why the world is the way it is today. People are just so brainwashed due to so much materialistic things, that it seems as if it gives them a sense of identity, but in reality it doesn't.

We have people in the world that buy and keep everything. They leave them on the floor, and everywhere in the house. Which we call those people hoarders.

They go crazy, and they get so upset when they are getting their stuff taken away, and when people clean their house. I've witnessed it myself and it's crazy.

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Are you kidding me? Is this what the world has come to? We can't function in this world without a bunch of items?

I'm not talking down on people that are hoarders because they need a lot of help, but it just makes me so aggravated that people are so brainwashed buy the conspiracy of consumption.

I mean it's just absolutely ridiculous. Why do we have buy things that don't even benefit us in any way.

We have to stop this way of living, and the only way we can stop this, is to realize that nature has already provided us with enough abundance for everyone.


Back million years ago, we didn't have clothes, TV's and all that. The only thing that we had, and what we should only rely on is what nature has given us.

Food that grows from the ground, water to drink which unfortunately today's waters are very acidic, and most importantly air.

You know when you breathe in air, you can't keep the air inside you. You have to eventually let it out. When people buy and keep things, it's like holding on to your breath. It can lead to stress, and if you try to keep it for so long, you will eventually deteriorate you.

So please don't get brainwashed by consumption and remember that we don't need these things to function in the world, nature has already given us enough abundance.

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