Walgreens Announces They Will Now Be Stocking Narcan

In an effort to battle drug overdose, Walgreens will be stocking Narcan to make it easier for family members and addicts themselves to obtain the opiate antidote.

There has been always been a major problem with drugs all over the United States and with each passing era, the drugs always seem to conquer before we even know it has taken over our streets and our loved ones.

Heroin, the drug that most users say puts you in a happy euphoric state but always leaves you wanting more and more. Of course everything comes with a price right ? Somewhere in Russia, a backyard chemist found a cheap way to max out his heroin production and those who bought his product started having their flesh eaten from the inside out. " Crocodile " is the proper name for the drug.

Over the past several years, Heroin has been a major problem for suburban areas in the Ohio, Michigan, and Penn State area. Parents nodding off at red lights with their children in the back seats. Men and women sprawled out on the park bench foaming from the mouth just another hit away from an actual overdose. It has stolen many souls from their loved ones.

I salute Walgreens for deciding to stock this product in their awareness of the drug epidemic. Walgreens Vice President stated the following in an article from 3wkyc.com

“By stocking Narcan in all our pharmacies, we are making it easier for families and caregivers to help their loved ones by having it on hand in case it is needed,” said Rick Gates, Walgreens group vice president of pharmacy. “As a pharmacy we are committed to making Narcan more accessible in the communities we serve.”


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