Car Crash Caused By LiveStream Leaves A Father To Bury One Daughter While The Other Goes To Jail For Her Death

"If they got the wrong blood, it's impossible for them to say she was under the influence," said Ramnik Samrao, Defense Attorney.

Photo taken from the dailymail.

Earlier this year in July, Obdulia Sanchez was in a horrific car crash that killed her 14 year old sister and injured her friend. Shortly after going live on Instagram, you can see Obdulia trying to take control of the wheel but didn't have enough time or the experience to recuperate and try to cause the least amount of damage.

According to reports drugs and alcohol played a major role.

Jacqueline Sanchez, was in the back seat along with her friend and unfortunately they didn't have their seatbelts on which caused both bodies to be ejected from the car.

In the video Obdulia is heard rushing over to her sister's lifeless body where she presumes to record the horror. It is a very tough video to watch and the link I posted below of the car crash isn't censored and beyond raw. Her reaction and cool is what had me most shocked about the video.

I posted another link to update you on her status.

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