Where everything began...

Before I started posting content for everyone at steemit, I wanted them to know who I really am, to really get to know me, because I pretend to be honest and not fool anybody, and what better to start with showing my true self and giving them a little trip my life, beyond what they could read about me in my presentation.

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Everything starts here, where I believe that my life truly began, when I finally faced challenges and difficulties, and the life of a carefree child had disappeared. I was barely 13 years old, I remember; At that time, already perplexed by the changes I was having in my body (I was becoming a teenager) I was in my first year of secondary school, which made everything difficult, I did not know who I was or what I really wanted, in reality I I felt confused, I felt attacked because although it sounds a little weird, there were girls who wanted to have a relationship with me, but in turn there was also a boy looking for the same, I did not think that this was happening to me, I had never really thought about have to decide whether to give up what is socially correct or follow the steps that every child "should" take, to be a "boy" with girlfriends to make my parents feel proud.

After so much thinking, of so much suffering to know who I am and what I should do, I made my decision, I said to myself "it's my life and I have to live it in the way I feel comfortable", yes, with Only 13 years. I decided to start dating that guy, I realized that that was really what I liked, that at such a young age I had already found myself, at least in that sense and I was not willing to live my life in a hoax, however I was terrified by the idea of ​​my parents finding out, but even with my courage to the surface I decided to take a step forward with that boy and we became boyfriends, I introduced him to my family as if he were my best friend, I never really I had felt so happy. I was doing well, I had an incredible relationship, I had good grades and I had found a group of friends where I fit perfectly.

The problems began to arrive when I had completed a year of relationship with that boy, my mother found out, she me face and I end up confessing y everything to my mother. There began a whole gray road in which I was obliged to travel, but as always, God does not put challenges that we can not solve and if we can not, he will put the right people on our path to make it easier for us to travel. My mother was disappointed and crazy about what was happening, she treated me badly, but I do not blame her, however my grandmother and my brothers did not tolerate her reaction and forbade her to go to the house, and they even stopped talking to her, I had bittersweet feelings My mother was suffering and she did not accept me but the rest of my family was giving me her unconditional support, however I agreed to go to therapies with psychologists and counselors. They ended up telling my mother that I am like this, that there is nothing wrong with me, my mother did not want to understand and I can not help but get away from her and continue my life.

Soon my mother returned to apologize to me she only wanted my love, because she was never going to stop being her son, she had never heard more sincere and real apologies like the one of that occasion, and how not to forgive the person that she I owe everything, to who gave me life. There began the best moment in my life, a life without lies and with a family that supported me in all my decisions. My life continued, I ended with that boy with whom I had had 7 more months of relationship and I met new people that ultimately broke my heart, but the important thing was the unconditional support that my family offered me.


After years of having a happy life, where everything seemed to be perfect in my life and that of all those around me, sadness and darkness came. I had never felt so scared and only if I was so accompanied and that what I am about to tell you I do not wish to anyone. Thus ends one of the best moments of my life and begins my worst nightmare:

At 17, even without worrying about life as a real adult, I never imagined that something like this would happen to me. It was afternoon hours one day in 2015 when I received a call from my mother, desperate and crying, she shouted to me by cell phone "call an ambulance !! I need to get to a clinic" scared without knowing what was happening, I asked her what was it was going on. It turns out that my mother had suffered an accident, when lighting a barbecue lit herself and yes, tube burn burns, second and third degree in almost 50% of her body. I despaired, I could not believe what was happening. Once in the clinic, I tried to get the medicines that my mother needed, because in Venezuela getting medicines is an impossible task; In the end, we managed to get everything necessary. but we find something worse, like everything in my beloved country, his doctors have become negligent, where they see the life of a person as something unimportant, he did not even send him to put the doses that my mother needed of the medication nor the necessary care. My mother died 10 days after the accident of a bacterium.

That's when my life changed, I had to become independent, do my things on my own, I did not have the protection or the warmth that my mother offered me, they were very difficult moments, I felt her absence and I felt empty. I have not yet learned to be without her, but I only think that she is traveling and will soon return, to make her departure more bearable. The only positive thing about this tragedy that destabilized my whole family, was that it made us stronger and we learned to enjoy until the last second with someone, because we are not eternal.

After a short time without having fully processed all the pain that our mother's departure had caused us, something unimaginable happened to me and my family. Strangely one day in the morning, barely dressed to go to college, my family and I met strange people dressed in black all over the house, was the CICPC (Corps of Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations) who entered the house Without any court order, they arbitrarily handcuffed us all and took us out of the house like criminals, without the right to make a call to contact someone who could help us, much less tell us the reason for the arrest.

When we arrived at the headquarters the first thing the Sheriff did was to ask us for the sum of 10 million bolivars, by then that amount of money corresponded to around a little more than 3,000 dollars, something difficult to earn in my country, being the country with the lowest minimum salary in Latin America. That amount of money was necessary to free us. There we understood everything, we were being victims of an extortion on the part of the security forces that should protect us, something that happens every day in my country, it is lamentable. Luckily, the neighbors when they saw everything happened managed to contact our relatives, who did everything possible to free us from that injustice, we spent 12 hours in detention, being verbally humiliated, thank God, nothing worse happened. Since then my mind has always been terrified when I go out into the street, if I'm not sure in my house now how will it be out there?

At the time someone special came to my life, someone who made me feel safe and calm despite the disaster that was around, that person became my life and yes, he is my boyfriend. and in reality I feel that my true home is him, because at his side I feel braver, I do not feel afraid, it makes me feel that no matter where we are, our home is being together. We decided to work together our lives and be better than we are, doing activities together and learning new things. Now we are bartenders and baristas, we achieved it together. But recently the pipe to leave the country, here the situation is difficult and every day gets worse, we continue together despite the distance, for now I just hope that time will bring us together and that the distance will no longer be a problem.

With this I finish telling you the most relevant thing in my life, opening me to you so we can feel closer. I hope you like my story and you are interested in the content that I will continue to offer, thank you.

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