Venezuela ... a country rich in Poverty - Message from a Foreigner

Day by day I still see many people hungry. The money does not even reach for a public transport ticket. Physically, the Venezuelan has lost weight and malnutrition in children and adolescents is quite remarkable.

Venezuela is the country with the worst inflation in the world

Below I show you a comparative table between the current bills with respect to the percentage value that corresponds to the Minimum Integral Salary (2.555.500Bs) and the amount of tickets that are needed to have the minimum salary in those bills.

% (Minimum Salary)
Number of Tickets required
0.00007 %
1.277.750 Cash
0.00019 %
511.100 Cash
0.00039 %
255.550 Cash
0.00078 %
127.775 Cash

0,0019 %
51.110 Cash

0.0039 %
25.555 Cash

0.019 %
5.111 Cash

0.039 %
2.555 Cash

0.078 %
1.277 Cash

0.19 %
511 Cash

0.39 %
255 Cash

0.78 %
127 Cash

3.91 %
25 Cash

Yes friends! the highest bill of the current monetary cone is equivalent to 3.91% of the minimum salary!

The cash of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Bolivars are no longer in circulation.

Now we must assimilate the cost of living, where there is no price regulator because the parallel dollar no longer has a specific amount. Previously, Venezuelans used the DolarToday page as a reference, but nobody takes it into account and the price of the dollar is fixed depending on the demand.

Nowadays, the price of 1 Dolar is sold up to 2,200,000 Bs, that is, almost a minimum salary.

When we go to any market are not all the basic products, and those that are have a super high cost, for example a Kg of meat worth 4.500.000Bs or a kg of rice is in 1.200.000Bs.

According to El Nacional newspaper (March-2018)

The basic expenses are in 75,446,014.83 Bs so you need 58 minimum wages to cover your cost

The number of children living on the streets is impressive

In many restaurants or business premises there are children who are asking for food or money. Unfortunately they are the most affected of this crisis and their Human Rights do not exist, thus losing their opportunities to develop as human beings.

Eyes that break a heart

After being 29 years in the country, I can say that the Venezuelan has disappointed me

In the world the Venezuelan was seen as very friendly, sociable and tolerant people. The current crisis in the country has caused low self-esteem in society in which everyone looks after their own benefits where corruption is what is highlighted on a daily basis.

But in the middle of this debacle there are some people who believe in the Value of VENEZUELA as a country full of many wonders.

If you feel you make a difference and love Venezuela, do not stop doing acts of good faith without monetary rewards or personal benefits. Your commitment now more than ever with the country must be full of honesty to be able to move it forward. Every day we have the opportunity to make Venezuela a better country.

"Yesterday is not ours to recover it, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose." Lyndon B. Johnson

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