STOP Procrastinating!

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Procrastination (the action of delaying or postponing something) is mostly the number one cause why people are not productive as they should be. The thing is, people are too lazy to do anything. They want to do things assigned to them for some other time when they could do it for today. For instance, students who have exams or projects that are due in weeks or days are worked on the day before the deadline and some other people even do it on the day itself. That's why their work is not as nice or perfect as it should be if they worked on it within the given time and not rush and forsake the quality of their work. Although, some people say that people who are lazy or are in a rush when making projects or assignments have more creative mind than the one with allocated with plenty of time. That is because their mind will automatically create and come up with an idea since the person only has a very little time left to do his job and so he does it with the first thing that comes up in his mind. But, not all people are gifted with this talent. Not all people are creative as others. And so, worst case scenario, they may end up losing their job for having such a crappy work or students may fail for not being prepared in their exams or submitting their projects on deadline.


Procrastination can be prevented if you are motivated enough to do the stuff you can do today than postponing it for tomorrow. Stop procrastinating for it can give you so much ease and it'll even improve your performance in school and at work. You should do the work assigned to you within the given time and if possible, submit it before the deadline. That way, in the remaining hours or days that you have, you can relax and have leisure time instead of rushing up and being stressed because of the time. Another is you can set up a planner or a schedule for your projects and write it down, that way you can track what you must do for today and not procrastinate and do it for tomorrow since you already have another schedule plotted. Don't take a rest unless you feel really groggy and tired, taking a bit of rest will become hours and hours until you decided to do it for tomorrow since you are too tired to do it for today. If it comes to a point when you're really groggy and tired, set an alarm and take a nap, after being refreshed, encourage yourself to do the work again and not set it aside so that your work will not pile up the next day and you will start the day with new tasks.


Avoiding procrastination is all about discipline. If you are not disciplined enough to make use of your time, then you will not be productive nor will have a good performance in school nor in work. A good time management and discipline is the key in avoiding procrastination.

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