Are Bad News Truly Bad?

Today, my fellow steemians, I wish to share a parable from a Chinese farmer, which dates approximately 2,000 years back and is still something to think about today.

It makes us wonder if seemingly bad news truly are bad for us. More often than not, they have a positive side to them as well, so take a read – you might learn something :)


It all starts out with the purchase of a horse. The farmer spent his hard earned money, and to his loss, the horse ran away shortly after being purchased. But, the farmer being wise, said ''Who is to say if this is good luck or bad luck?'' and goes about his chores.

Not much time passes, when the horse returns with another horse. The farmer gifts this second horse to his son. Seems like good luck.

Well, the next day, the farmer receives a visit from his neighbor. ''So sorry about what happened. Your son fell off his horse and broke his leg'', to which the Chinese farmer replies ''Who is to say if this is good luck or bad luck?''

Well, it just so happened that the next day, the emperor's army arrived to the village, recruiting strong young men for their army to fight in the war. To the Chinese farmer's luck, his son was not recruited due to his injury – which means the escape of the horse, which in turn lead to his son breaking his leg, was good luck.


As it is visible from this story, we should never be too quick to judge news – be it bad or good. Give it some time, and then decide, as bad news might be a blessing in disguise :)


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