Thanksgiving - Why Not Be Thankful Every Day Of The Year?

Whenever Thanksgiving comes around, people act like they have the most blessed lives, and that they're soooo grateful to be happy and healthy.
And one day later, on black friday, we forget all about that and complain about all the material things we can't get.

don't get me wrong - I love thanksgiving, and I think it's a very important holiday.
It's also very important to count your blessings and be thankful.

But we don't need a holiday for that. And we don't need to do that only once a year.

What we need to do is be thankful EVERYDAY, count our blessings EVERYDAY and appreciate what we have EVERYDAY.

Of course, this is easier said than done.
But when you're sitting around the dinner table with your family...
Sheltered, under a roof, in the warmth...
With 5-10 different dishes in front of you ...

remember how many people don't have what you have.

Not only on thanksgiving, but every day.

And whenever you're feeling down or stressed, remember:

someone else is dreaming of what you take for granted!

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