Roger Ver's Interview with Alex Jones....

Ok..ok...I am beyond confused by all the infighting that has occurred within the #BTC community the last few years. Can anyone explain this to me?

Roger Ver.jpeg

*Did anyone catch this interview with Roger Ver & Alex Jones?


DISCLAIMER: ALEX JONES FREAKS ME OUT A BIT! (I added this again to avoid any confusion) :)

I've been told that BTC is the only true bitcoin, but then you have BCH (bitcoin cash) enthusiasts who swear by it and in it only. Those people claim that #BCH is the true bitcoin as envisioned and described in Satoshi's original White-paper, which you can find here...

And, I would have to agree on a few key points...

  1. At the moment, BCH is more useful in terms of being a currency due to it's fees being dramatically less than BTC.

  2. BCH is much faster in terms of transaction/processing speed.

  3. BCH is far more affordable, which I guess really doesn't matter if you are actually using it as intended ie...a currency used to purchase items or goods.

Here's what is interesting to me---is anyone actually using the original BTC to make purchases?? I mean, if we are to believe that bitcoin is going TO THE MOON, why in the hell would we chance getting rid of any of out stash?

to the moon.jpeg

Is bitcoin the new #GOLD or GOLD 2.0, and really only meant to be a store of value now?

bitcoin gold.jpeg

Is this what was intended by Satoshi?? This is perplexing to say the least.

I will continue to do more research on Roger Ver, but it seems all he gets is hate and vitriol from the community.

To be fair--I am hodl'ng both #BTC & #BCH at the moment.

If you have any further knowledge of the division, I would love to hear your thoughts...Thanks!

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