Mental Martial Arts

Martial arts are much more than simple fighting moves... however "cliche" it may seem, martial arts are based on different philosophies of life, therefore, the levels of discipline that require their users in each type of art is different, there are many things that unite the different forms of martial arts that exist worldwide, however, There is one thing in common for all and that is self-defense, almost all martial doctrines, are based on how to respond to attacks, obviously, teach ways of counterattacking when necessary, but their main idea is to provide tools and techniques to their users so that they can respond to the different situations in which they find themselves


In most martial arts, the order to execute a technique is: first think (visualize the movement), and second execute (you take to reality the movement you thought) the perfection of these 2 basic steps depends mostly on the practice, in fact the more you practice it with more rapidity and fluidity will come out...

You know, the old saying that says that the
practice makes the master.

The important thing is to always keep a clear and calm mind in front of the different "attacks" that are received, that way we can respond properly in our defense and against attack, now that we take into account this, we can move on to the important thing of this post:


Below are some special techniques of each of the martial arts I have practiced that help me in my profession (I am a lawyer, not an killer), to excel in what I like to call "the mental combat", I hope it will help you in your daily life.


Base: In the kung fu to perform fluid, fast and easy movements. are the basis of this martial art.

Mental application: Think quickly and adapt to the development of the discussion, avoids prolonging "mental combat" and uses solid arguments that are easy to understand.

KARATE: Shotokan.

Base: In Shotokan Karate, self-respect and honor and for others is a fundamental basis, as is always striving to be better, which leads to maintaining rigorous discipline in search of balance and power.

Mental application: Maintain respect for you and your opponent, will always allow you to have a healthy and balanced discussion, Try to respect your thoughts and maintain respect for others, so that solutions to conflicts will come naturally.

Aikido: Aikikai

Base: The Aikido, is based on the education of our aggressive instinct and the preservation of morality by restoring the strength that the adversary uses against us against us, trying to defeat the adversary without harming him, trying to dissuade him from abandoning the conflict..

Mental Application: To maintain a position of respect and high morale, we can use our opponent's hurtful arguments in their own counter (legally: this is the basis of one of the rights granted to Americans when they are apprehended "everything you say can and will be used against you").


Base: Boxing is nowadays an Olympic sport, however, due to its beginnings it can be defined as a martial art without being of military use, its base is based on different disciplines such as Muathai, Suntukan, kick boxing, among others, consists of fighting from the front blow by blow against the opponent, avoiding low blows (zone of intimate parts) and avoiding attacking the opponent's head with something more than the hands.

Mental application: The most famous technique of boxing is the famous "1-2" and the speed of feet in synchronization of hands and feet, however, it takes a great mental agility to synchronize the moments of attack and defense, in a mental combat, it is always important to be quick with our thoughts, organizing our thoughts and arguments using them to avoid attacking our opponent in a "low or dirty way", being able to get them out of combat in a clean and respectful way.

With this post, what I am looking for is to provide you with personal defense tools that you can use when having discussions with other people, always remember the following what I always tell my friends:


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