Cheat day: Hard work and Give Away

Hey! Whaaat's up?!

You know what? I'm kinda be cheating today. I'm posting this entry that I did last week. It never went online. But I'm about to write something now, I may or may not post today. It depends on how I feel. So, feel free to read it down below, or not. I'm not forcing anyone.... but if you are interested, you know? Anyways...

April 12, 2018, 8:42 am

I'm sitting here in the Santa Ana Metrolink Station waiting for the train to arrive for my weekly trip to LA. I skipped breakfast like I usually do. Intermittent fasting and all that jazz. It only took less than 25 minutes to ride my motorcycle from my uncle's house in Costa Mesa. I've been trying to do a regular journal, I've been on and off, but I'm getting there. I will eventually do this daily and post it on my blog. I think I need to write down or document, as the guru entrepreneur would say, "Document, instead of creating..." something to that effect. He has a point though, doing this takes away that block that usually prevents writers from putting down pen to paper.

Now, while I was preparing to leave the house, I was thinking to myself and reflecting on the things I've learned from watching Seth and Garyvee almost the whole day yesterday. My main take away from both of these guys is to work hard and give away to people. To work hard is easy enough to understand, it means to put your nose down, get tunnel vision, and do the important things that you need to do to advance yourself towards your goals.

You can look at both of these men as an example. When you watch Garyvee when he documents his life, you can see that in between his talks, interviews, and shows, he would cram every free minute to do things like planning meetings, calling people, or networking with influencers. He's also been saying that he gave up all his weekends from the day he worked for his dad at the liquor store because he was willing to sacrifice for his goal in life, buying the New York Jets.

Seth Godin, on the other hand, blogs every day and never missed a single day, for almost thirty years now. Think about that for a moment. He is the quintessential writing machine. If I can do just a fraction of their efforts, I'd be set for life. I just need to put in the work. But first, I have to decide what am I going to work for. Well, I've already decided on that, somewhat. Planning for the next 30 or 40 years of my life is something I have never done my whole life. I've been wandering aimlessly in life for the past 36 years. It was fun. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong. But I was too comfortable in my life that I needed some change.

To give away means to be thoughtful with the people around me. I need to give them value first before thinking about selling them anything. I need to learn that as well, how to sell anything. If I plan on being an influencer, a thought leader, an author, or sell t-shirts on the side, I need to learn how to sell...

Ooops.. train is here.

There are a good thirty minutes before the train arrives in LA.

I'll finish reading Musashi in the mean time.


For the mean time, check out my other posts here:

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