That Time Amazon Shut Me Down!

Amazon Busted In And Stole...

On my Twitter account named "iiTZtheDeals" I used to post all of the good deals I found on Amazon and Ebay to my followers. Mostly in the "Toy" and "Electronics" sections because those are the things I love the most. I gained followers pretty fast making helpful posts and using a method I wrote about HERE. Soon I was making a few dollars a week and sometimes tens of dollars. Nothing big but I was happy with it just messing around on Twitter. Until that fateful day...


Gone, All Gone

One day I logged into my Amazon affiliate account and it had been wiped completely out. They said I could no longer use my Twitter as my main source of affiliate traffic and shut down my account. Not only that but I had money still in the account I could not access which was wiped out as well. Around 20 dollars worth of affiliate commissions just gone. I know that's not much to some people but it made me just want to give up on doing it anymore. It made me a sad panda.


What I Should Have Done

What I should have done to make sure this did not happen was to have created a webpage to link my affiliate account to. But I did not know and it was hidden deep in some small print. Also it would have helped me create a more permanent presence on the internet to build from. I am starting to try again and now I have another affiliate account. I linked it to a website I made focusing on showing off the best rated fidget spinners(yeah I know terrible right?). I made the site just learning how to use Word Press.


Blah Blah Blah

So anyways that is my story on how Amazon shut down my affiliate account and stealing around 20 dollars from my account. So if you ever do try affiliate marketing remember to link it to a proper web page. Would you guys like to learn more about setting up an affiliate account with Amazon and creating links to their items? Maybe you already have a niche you want to focus on? Tell me in the comments your thoughts and questions.

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