Wishing Time away

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/thought-idea-innovation-imagination-2123970/

A friend of mine at work and I were talking last week and both of us were commenting on what a rough week it had been and how we couldn't wait for the weekend. This is something we say often, meaning it, but not really thinking about what we're saying. I don't at least. As we were discussing our plans for the weekend, she commented on how isn't it funny how we're always wishing time away but then at the end of our lives, we want it back.

It was an interesting conversation that really got me thinking. How many times have I wished away the days/weeks/months to get to a planned vacation? How often do we get excited and "can't wait" for a holiday or gathering? I hadn't even realized how much time I had wished away over my life for a moment (that holiday or vacation) that, while it might be memorable, is such an tiny blip of my life. I think we all do this without even realizing what we're doing. We get busy and the days seem to run into one another as you go about your daily life.

Ever since that conversation, I have been trying to be conscious about the moments in my life. They might be mundane, they might not be exciting or as memorable as a vacation or holiday, but they make up the majority of your time on this planet! My mother-in-law is a wise woman, she has always said "Do something you love every day, even if it's just a soak in the bathtub before bed if that's what you like." We need to make every day a day we "can't wait" for. We need to find excitement in the little things, myself included. And most of all we need to appreciate every moment we have and stop wishing it all away!

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