Oct.15th is my Last Day of Work - Mandatory Vaccines.

So it looks like my last day at work will be Oct. 15th, since my work just announced mandatory Covid19 shots for all of CBI Health employees.

We have to be vaccinated with at least the first jab by Oct.15 and fully vaccinated by Nov. 15th. This was a surprise to us since the CBO of the company always (since the beginning of Covid) announced that the vaccines will not be mandatory.

Im am quite dissappointed in this decision but it is what it is. I guess the company will lose quite few employees and thats only few that I know of. The sad thing is that the company is already in huge staff shortage, so they better be prepaired.

The manager of our clinic, who strictly has been working from home and does not see any employees or clients has no exemption from this mandate, which is just redicules.

Today we went to my manager's little farm, where we had a BBQ and if was so good to see her and her husband and we had a quite an interesting talk.




I love their little farm they have. They have few ducks, bunnies and quite a big garden.

It was a great visit and we had great chat even under the bad circumstances, but we are not about to give up.

I don't have anything against vaccinated people and I don't care if you are vaccinated or not but I so strongly dissagree with the mandatory vaccines especially when it comes to losing your job, not able to go to school, not able to play sports or go to the gyms.

I mean, if a person A is vaccinated, then why would he care or be affraid of the person B who is not vaccinated. Isn't person A protected? And if person A does not feel protected with the vaccine, then what is the point of the vaccine and why would the vaccines be mandatory if they are not to protect you from Covid?

That is just my opinion and you might have a diffetent oppinion, which is fine with me, but then you should also respect my opinion.

But anyways, this is what is going on in my life right now, and I will keep on staying positive and happy because I know everything happens for a reason, and I know that God has a better plan for me and that He is directing my steps.

Hope you are all staying healthy, joyful and keep on spreading the love.

Love @joalvarez.

I am a great supporter of @familyprotection who is working very hard to help the families stay together and this project is the most amazing project that I would suggest for everyone in this hive community to check it out and support it and by doing it we are helping people in need who are trying to keep their kids safe from being taken away (kidnapped) by the Social Services. Here is the link Click here

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God Bless!


Image created by my beautiful friend @sunnylife

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