Asifa Bano - The World Should Know


The story of Asifa Bano, an 8 year old girl raped and murdered in India, is all I have been able to think about for a few days now. I am not going to link a story or give details. You should read for yourself, but it is hard to read and understand what this little girl went through, the last few days of her life.

I decided to make a post to simply spread the word, make people aware of the story, and hopefully be as outraged as I am. The so-called Hindu's that did this, deserve no mercy shown, in this life or the next.

The anger and sadness I feel, is only overshadowed by the happiness of seeing my own little girl every day.
The stories about abuse of kids are common. Every day you hear about it in the US and other countries, so to say that it only happens in 3rd world countries is just not true. It happens because of religion, bigotry, hate, misogyny and the utter disrespect for other humans.

I hope that every single person involved in harming children, gets punished in the worst way, and I am finding it hard to wish anything but the worst things, for people responsible.

Haven’t spoken to anyone about this, and I let very few things get to me. This is one I cannot shake though.

What the fuck is wrong with the world and the, so-called, humans that inhabit at it?

I have placed a bounty on this post of 25 SBD. I am not looking for sympathy, nor do I want to promote any kind of hate. I want her story to be known, and I want people to show some humankindness.
If you have an idea to how we can help, promote love or any insight into why, some depraved men, can justify any crime because of religious belief, I would love to hear it.
Perhaps just upvote and re-steem. Most of all, be kind.

Here is my little girl, who I love and adore more than anything else. The last few days, she has probably been baffled by the amount of huge, and chocolate, that she has been given. I hate that she has to grow up in this world with this much hate filling it.


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