Family ALWAYS comes first.

Spending some time with my family!

I have been moved out of my parents house for some time now & although i visit occasionally and i am always on the other end of the phone it's never the same, is it?
Recently my beautiful mother @karenb54 has been having a hard time and struggling with Depression (******) that it is) & due to her ongoing health conditions she's constantly in pain and she hates the life that she lives and she's found herself asking-
People would be better off without me

So I have packed my bags and i am off home for a few days- @karenb54 a blessing or a curse?

I'm notorious for being a little **** so i am thinking she's going to be pushing me back home in a few days haha!

Sometimes you need your family

So onward to the parents! Awaited my friend coming in to pop me over there as there's no way i would be carrying suitcase and a bag on a bus- I'm clumsy at the best of times

Night 1-
Night one was very relaxed. Watched some Terrible TV (dad's choice) and some beautiful Thai food while having a chat much to my dad's disappointment as he didn't hear a single word of his programme - BOO HOO!
I did not come over to watch THE BILL from 20 years ago! I used to watch that with my dad when i was younger!

Apart from the terrible choice in TV it was nice to be home after over 6 years! Still though nothing has changed. Taking the mick out of each other, having heated debates and telling eachother to shut up! Just doesn't feel like anything has changed! AT ALL!!

Day 2

After not falling asleep until after 5 it was fair to say that i was having a lie in! I did not want to get out of bed to say the least So i woke up and decided to stay in the warm a little longer and put some music on until the the little sister text me asking to question mam on going out for some food! SHE SAID YES!

After attacking my eyebrows and throwing make up at my face and HOPING for the best - OFF we went!

Bar blue is my mam's favourite restaurant so it's only right we go here - The food is great.

Cant go out and not have a good old bottle of Koppererg!

I'm not one for taking photographs of my food (I'm not in the business of looking at food) but if you head over to @karenb54 you can see some of the beautiful food we had!

Although we can NOT go out without taking some selfies and some daft photo's... Here's a few

Perfect time with my favourite people

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