20 Things You Didn't Know About Justin Bieber ! 2017

There are many things you know about Justin: he was a child YouTube star who made it big, he loves his little siblings, he had a tumultuous relationship with Selena Gomez (#NeverForget) and uh, he’s everyone’s (not-so) secret fave. But often it’s easy to forget that the people we see on screens and in magazines and on social media are usually only fractions of the whole picture. After all, knowing someone’s name and consuming their work doesn’t mean you actually know who they are, no matter how huge of a fan you may be. There are just some things that are kept private, or, in this case, are just less known.
We’re not claiming that we’re going to paint an image of Biebs beyond anything you’ve ever fathomed before, but in honor of his birthday, we are going to list for you a bunch of little things about Justin you might not have known. If nothing else, it will make you smile, laugh, cry and potentially cringe… and all in the name of getting to know the Prince of Pop just a little better. But will it make you love him more than you already do? You better beliebe it.


-. He loves onesies.

In fact, he once came "draped head to toe in a cherry-red jumper whose only point of entry and exit is a blindingly bright white zipper” for a photo shoot with The Hollywood Reporter. Now the only question is: does he sleep in them, too?

  • He once lived in Britney Spears’ former L.A. home, but now lives in a hotel.

Following in the footsteps of pop legends before him, he’s some seriously famous digs.


-. His mentor is Will Smith. According to Will, they speak once a week.

Now, this may seem unlikely, but his mentor is not another musician, but one of Hollywood’s greatest (and most famous) actors! Who knows how the two got connected, but clearly they have a lot in common. We’re assuming Will encourages him to always be true to himself (if his parenting is any indication!)

-. He speaks French fluently, and can count to 10 in German.

-. After he cut his hair, he auctioned it for $12,000 on eBay. It sold for about $40,000.

Unsurprisingly, he donated the proceeds to charity. The real question, though, is what the bidder is doing with a bag of Justin’s dead hair…
-. He can solve a Rubix Cube in less than two minutes.

He’s not only a musical prodigy… he’s also a mastermind.

-. If he wasn’t a singer… he’d be an architect.

Can you imagine staying in a Justin Bieber-designed hotel? Can you even imagine what that would look like?
-. He taught himself how to play the trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums.

He’s absolutely a musical prodigy. (Have you seen those videos of Baby Biebs jamming out at only 2-years-old?) It’s pretty insane.
-. He’s friends with Kim Kardashian West.

They have each other on Blackberry Messenger (as we know, Kim refuses to part with her ‘Berry, and maybe that’s the case for Justin, too!)
-. Usher started his career.

Sure, he got his first exposure – and met manager Scooter Braun — thanks to the videos that his mom uploaded to YouTube, but it was Usher that signed him to a label.
-. If he weren’t signed by Usher, he was considering going on American Idol.

What if he didn’t win?! (No, no, such a thing would not happen!)

-. His favorite breakfast is Berry Captain Crunch.

Now you can also buy Captain Crunch with berries and imagine that you and Justin are eating the same thing at the same time. Swoon.


-. He was once late to a concert in Salt Lake City, Utah, because he was visiting a 7-year-old girl in the hospital.

The little fan had Leukemia, and Justin made sure he didn’t rush spending time with her. Proof that his heart is even bigger than his name.
-. He loves the movie The Notebook.

If you had any doubts that he was a total softie on the inside, know this: Justin would love nothing more than to curl up and cry at a Nicholas Sparks movie with you.

-. His father Jeremy is a former MMA fighter.

Success runs in the family! And let’s not forget that Justin actually boxes with his dad, too. (Sweet and strong? Yep. He definitely is.)

-. His favorite sandwich is tomato and mayo on Wonder Bread.

If you were wondering what the Biebs eats for lunch… wonder no longer. He’s a fan of a simple tomato and mayo combo.

-. He’s claustrophobic.

Bieber is not a fan of crowded spaces, particularly, elevators.

-. He visits a mall in every city he tours in.

So the part of your dream life wherein you are married to Biebs and go on extensive shopping trips may not be so far-fetched after all…

-. He doesn’t let #haters keep him down… despite negative reviews, his documentary Never Say Never grossed $100 million worldwide.


In fact, New York Magazine described him as a “bland, pious, profoundly unthreatening little Furby of a pop idol,” but the 3D concert-film experience grossed him a pretty serious amount of money.

  1. He loves Disney!

He once took Selena Gomez there on Valentine’s Day (#NeverEverForget) and once even made mention of his favorite film…The Lion King!

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