Jimi.The.Ginger.Cat's.Blog : Learn How To Cat - Let's talk about SEX, baby



Meh...sexuality isn't quite our thing. Mating is. We're not humans so we're not driven by attraction and sexual desire.

We don't "have sex" for pleasure but to procreate.

This is the difference between instinct and desire.

The Queens

Let's say you adopted (not bought - that's a no, no) a female kitten. At a few months older, her behavior will change and she will seem suddenly a little bit too friendly.
Survival instincts kick in, they are on nature's given duty.

Could she possibly be in heat already? You can bet your sweet bazinga!

Let's say you've read about spaying, but haven't yet gotten around to it. Perhaps your ego tells you how nice it might be to have a litter of kittens -** just this one time...**

If you love her, undersand she could become pregnant at her age.

The Kings

Us boys have barbed penises to scrape out rival semen.
I'm just going to...just say it again: A male cat’s penis is barbed. And cat sex hurts.

You humanz find sex to be the best, but if you’ve ever seen cats mate, you might notice that the females don't look too happy.
WE, the jerks, byte on their necks, keeping them from escaping. They try to fight us off every time. Isn’t because they find us icky.
Cat sex is excruciatingly painful. Our penises are covered in a dozen tiny fishhooks.

They serve to induce ovulation by activating the hormone. Cats don't ovulate until they mate. That is why a female cat may give birth to five kittens, each from a different father, considering ovulation starts 20 to 50 hours after mating, giving rivals enough chances.

If we don't get neutered, we will roam and adventure for up to 6 miles searching for pussy. We will regularly beat the crap out of each other for mating rights, and, as a result, run the risk of illness and injury. Sometimes you may lose some fur, other times it can be an eye, but every time is Mortal Kombat time. Vicious.

When we finally get back home we may require vet treatment to manage the wounds. FIV, the cat equivalent of human AIDS, can be passed in these fights, as can feline Leukaemia and a host of other diseases. So vaccinate your pets regularly!


If you are not convinced, judge for yourself:

NatGeo: Barbed Cat Penis

A cat that reaches puberty, typically between 5 months and 9 months of age. Now do the math. One female kitty has the ability to produce an average of about 12 kittens each year if not spayed.

To avoid unwanted litters and if a cat is not for breeding, then spaying and neutering are strongly recommended.

It also decreases the risk of us getting into illegal K1 fights or contracting a disease from copulation.

Many charities will provide financial support for spaying, designed to assist those with low incomes. So if you can't afford it, ask for help. There's no shame in doing the right thing.

In Romania, we have a HUGE problem with abandoned animals. A large number of irresponsible people just kill or abandon the unwanted litter: CATS and DOGS.
Some recent saved little ones left for dead:



What upsets me most is that THERE ARE SPONSORED CAMPAIGNS THAT OFFER FREE SPAYING AND NEUTERING FOR CATS AND DOGS and people ... are just too lazy to take the pet to the vet.

I told you about Sadies, well they work with two different vets and anyone can take their pet for free.

Coco spayed more than 30 rescued animals the last year thanks and more than 20 family and friend's pets, without even searching for animals to spay. She encourages people to use this campaigns even if they can afford to pay. Instead, the money for the surgery can be donated to help other animals in need. The quality of the intervention doesn't change if it's free.





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