The Importance of Social Skills

I have not aware of the importance of social skills until I have leave the comfort of study life. I used to think that competency and productivity are the top most important skills in workplace. However, as I started working, I realize social skills is just equally, if not more important than technical skills.

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#By nature, humans are social animals who tend to oriented to others. We like to make connections with people.

More and more employers value soft skills nowadays. Those who have good communication skills and high social intellligence are relatively easier to stand out among other candidates and nailed the job interview. Employees who are committed and responsible with good competencies at work are always the favourite employees. However, imagine that if you are also equipped with good social and communication skills, it definitely is a plus point to climb up your career ladder.

Why do employers place great emphasis on soft skills of their employee?

Most of the time, a great project need to be done with excellent teamwork. People with good social skills tend to get along with other teammates easier and completed the task on time.
For jobs that involve sales nature, being able to make connections and build relationships with clients is already an added advantages compared to competitors who do not do so. Misunderstandings and conflicts are inevitable most of the time. With great communication skills, those conflicts and mistrust can be minimized to the lowest possible level.

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You might find me chatty once we are close to each other, but I’m not a people person who can mingle with people with all walks of life. Occasionally, there are times where I’m so socially awkward that I wish I could disappear immediately and doesn’t catch any attentions. Now that I realized the importance of making connections with people and expanding my social circle, I am trying to be as sociable as possible. HAHA.


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