The Perks of Being Single

I woke up this morning and noticed there was no urge to check my phone for new messages. Some months ago, the first thing I did before devotion was to check my phone for messages especially from my ex. Now, I'm used to concentrating on the morning devotion before checking my phone.

This topic may strike many chords but there are so many advantages and pros of being single. We should stop seeing it as a failure or setback but as a propeller to a better self or better tomorrow which can be the next minute or hour.


When I had my first breakup, I felt terrible at first till someone told me to see the positivity in the breakup and move on. This was when I discovered so many things about myself. The first perk of being single is Self Discovery.

I have been an artist since I was small but I stopped to focus solely on my education. I totally forgot about what I could do when I was in the relationship and focused on fighting for us. This changed after, I went back to my arts. I started drawing and even got better. Art replaced the fights I had within. I was even able to discover how good I was with sketches. I was able to create time for myself and create an atmosphere to concentrate on the talent I have.

Looking back and now, I have discovered another perk which is freedom. Do not get me wrong, you can have freedom in a relationship but can't be compared to when you are single. I can go anywhere i like now with people i like without being questioned. I noticed recently ,it is not that our partners don't want us to go out ,they just want to be around us all the time thereby denying us of association with other people. Friendship is as important as relationship, there should be a balance.

Tell me self-love and I will tell you it is another perk of being single. I love myself so much to be hurt by people. When breakups happen, it is right to focus on oneself and overlook the hurts. This will give you the chance to love yourself. The truth is, if you don't love yourself, no one can love you deeply. When your partner see how much you love yourself, he/she will be compelled to treat you right. The only time to love yourself is when you are single.

These are the three major perks of being single I can relate with. Being single is fun and adventurous, use that time wisely before the right person come to sweep you off your feet. When we see advantages in disadvantages, we tend to be positive all the time.

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