Responsibility As One Of The Fundamentals Of Life

I am bringing a new topic today, responsibility is part of the foundation blocks of life. Responsibilities can be divided into two; responsibilities as a part of a unit and as an individual. The unit could be an institution such as family, country, business environment or school. Before writing further, responsibility is our duty and pledge to wherever we are. My responsibility as a citizen of a country is to pay tax and make sure I obey the laws of the country.

Responsibility as a part of unit talks about your duties and obligations as being a part of a unit in a society. A father in a family has his responsibilities to take care of his home which involves the wife and children. A mother has her responsibilities too which include cooking and making sure the home is comfortable for every part of the family. A child has his own responsibility to the family. Together, these responsibilities are needed to make sure the unit stands.


In a country, the government and the citizens have responsibilities they should oblige to. If everyone duly fulfill their obligations, the country will grow. The government must fulfill her promises to the citizens by providing necessary amenities that will survive the citizens of the country. Also, they must protect our lives and make sure we live in peace then shall the citizens abide by the laws. This will definitely help the country grow.

Now, you can see why responsibility is part of the foundation blocks of life. It is not only the responsibilities life push to us due to the position we are in but fulfilling them so as to be the worthy of the position. If we all fulfill our obligations then can life be more peaceful and beautiful.

Responsibility as an individual. We owe ourselves a lot but how many have we fulfilled. It is our responsibility to seek peace for ourselves and this can only be achieved if we go after this. Self-love starts from understanding who you really are, your habits, likes and hates. This will channel you into loving yourself which is fulfilling one of man’s responsibilities. Another responsibility is finding your happiness.

It is your responsibility to be happy because it makes you achieve a lot. I have never seen someone sad achieving a lot but I have seen many happy people do just that. You owe yourself happiness so seek whatsoever that will make you happy – anything fun that can keeps your heart merry. Stress is a killer of joy, find your way around it.

If we can fulfill responsibilities to ourselves and to the institutions we are in, the world will be in a better place. Let me cite an example, I have seen children whose parents are highly irresponsible, very few of them grow and live life responsibly. A father is a drunkard and never look out of his family, the mother is wayward and never home. What kind of children will they give birth to or what would they become? Imagine a country where the government is corrupt and the citizens never pay tax?

From above questions, I know you have negative answers. You have seen clearly the importance of fulfilling responsibilities. Let us come together to make life a better place for us all by doing our duties, fulfilling our obligations and being responsible. Thank you.

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