Suffering is a Blessing in Disguise

In the midst of the messy and beautiful world we live in, it is clear to everyone that suffering is everywhere. Whether it is through the loss of a career, or the pain of a broken heart, every single person will inevitably have to suffer many, many, many times in their lives. Nobody wants to suffer, and most people try to avoid it whenever they can. However, suffering brings us many gifts that are subtle and often overlooked. Its absence would leave our lives dull and meaningless.

It is through suffering that we learn to appreciate what we have. If our lives were exactly how we wanted them to be all the time, we would have very little to look forward to because we would eventually get used to what we have. We would not realize how lucky we are to have what we have and mostly take things for granted.

Suffering can also help us realize when something is wrong. It can signal the need for change that will ultimately improve our lives, allowing us to find joy through pain. For example, when we feel tired or stressed for long periods of time, we realize that we need to adjust parts of our life to make us happier, leading us to go through new experiences and challenges. Without periods of suffering, our lives would not involve as much change and growth.

It is also through suffering that we become more caring and compassionate people that are more able to identify with the suffering of others. bt-suffering.jpg
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For example, have you ever seen someone go through a bad situation, and thought, “That will never happen to me. That person sure is stupid for doing that”? Have you been proven wrong when this has happened?

When people judge or criticize others to a large degree, they don’t realize that person they are criticizing has their own unique challenges that have shaped them into becoming the person they are. They don’t understand that the person is the way they are because of the suffering they have gone through, or because they don't know any better.

When we suffer, we understand the pain of others more because we have directly gone through the experience. Therefore, we become more humble and empathetic. We learn not to judge others as much because we see that they are just doing their best with what they have been given, and realize that everyone makes mistakes.

Overall, many people do not welcome suffering into their lives. They resist it, hoping it will go away. However, it is better to embrace suffering when we need to experience it, to see what it can teach. It is through suffering that our flaws are exposed, our character is polished, and we ultimately become better people.

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