Keeping organised

blog idea.jpgHello!

People quite often ask me how I stay organised with my hectic schedule of work 5 days a week and then busy weekends, well it didn't happen overnight!

I am currently balancing work life – which consists of daily and weekly tasks set by my manager, alongside trying to fit in the gym on weekends whilst trying as hard as possible to have some kind of a social life / chill time.

The answer to the above question is…. sometimes I DON’T. I am quite good at covering things up, and making it seem like things are all ‘fine and dandy’… I guess that is because I am kind of used to it…

Anyway, I'm giving you my two top tips for those situations where you just feel like you are too exhausted, and overwhelmed, that you just aren’t getting ANYWHERE, like you have hit a brick wall.

Write out your weekly plans

Writing out your weekly plans is an excellent way to visualise your up and coming week, therefore making it easier to see when you have time to fit in whatever you feel is necessary at the time! For example, when can you have fun time? And when do you need to concentrate?

Writing realistic to do lists

I feel more accomplished and focused when I write realistic goals. I have found that these lists, make me less stressed. I have been writing a brand new to do list each morning at work, with all of the things I would like to achieve that very day. In a realistic way of course, doing this is great because the feeling of self accomplishment really is truly incredible, and once you have reached all of your goals for that day you can relax :)

Hope this post helps any of you that may be struggling to manage your life! These tips are generally making my life and mind more organised, with work and my personal life!!

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