4 ways to get a better sleep

I don't know about you but I can never keep up a good sleeping pattern! It even worst when you have to be an early bird in the morning due to work! During my University years, I was a complete night owl and It affected my focus concentration at uni but now I am dedicated to getting my life back on track.

Usually, I go to bed around 11pm but occasionally it can be later if Instagram is having an eventful evening. As I work shifts, my morning alarm can vary from 6:30am - 7:00am . When you've fallen asleep at 11pm and you're up at 6.30am, that really isn't enough sleep to keep you going for a full days work so I've been trying to achieve a more regular sleeping pattern, so I figured it would be a pretty good idea to introduce you to some of the tips and tricks that have been making this dream a reality.

1. Get. Off. Your. Phone. All technology, just turn it off. It's something we're all encouraged to do but how many of us do it? I don't necessarily agree you need to have your phone and all technology out of the bedroom but for goodness sake, bedtime means bedtime. You have all day to scroll through your Instagram feed and guess what? It's still going to be there in the morning! Just try it tonight, and if you need to keep your mind busy, read a book or a magazine and prepare to get a really good nights sleep in the land of snooze...

2. Set yourself a regular bedtime. Unless you have to work the occasional night shift, it's well worth setting yourself a regular bedtime such as 10pm every night. Get your evening skincare routine done way before then, get in your pj's and get into bed at that time, without fail, every night. Random bedtimes will mean your body clock gets confused and when you do go to sleep, your mind may struggle to shut down and get you to sleep.

3. Create a cosy slumber setting. If you're anything like I once was, a floordrobe is this mysterious piece of furniture that suddenly appears one day and grows rapidly over time. My floordrobe days are well past me now, fortunately, because my bedroom is a clean, tidy but cosy slumber palace.

4. Good quality mattress, duvet and pillows are essential, and I love layering things with fluffy cushions and different textured throws that I can throw on or off as the seasons change. By creating a cosy and comfortable bedroom will remind your brain that your bedroom is for sleep....

5. Nap More. Yes, you read that correctly! Napping is actually incredibly important when it comes to increasing your productivity, keep your heart healthy, reduce stress and anxiety, boost your memory, balance hormones and reduce risk of diabetes and strokes. Phew! Any excuse for a kip, eh?

A short and sweet nap during the day is perfect to reboot your energy levels, get your shiz done and still have a serene sleep come bedtime!

So if you're currently at University and have deadlines and exams looming and all you want to do is use your books as an albeit, rather uncomfortable pillow, go for it! But keep it short and sweet - 20 minutes is the perfect amount of time for a cat nap to re-energise and get back to the grind.

Avoid long naps as you'll find yourself tossing and turning when it comes to your actual bedtime

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