How to train your boyfriend: Class 101; Hair Extensions

I am a hairstylist and I just recently moved salons. The move to a new salon was life changing to say the least and I am so much more at ease in my new salon home. A week before I notified my old salon that I would be moving I had one of the stylists put in my new tape in extensions without thinking who I would have replace those extensions in 6 weeks when the tape starts to grow out. Extensions are time consuming to say the least, and if I pay someone it will be very expensive. I also can't expect someone I barely know at my new salon to take half a day out of their schedule to remove my extensions, clean and re tape them, and then put them back in my hair. So I decided to ask the next best thing, my boyfriend.

(This is my sexy ass boyfriend)

Over the summer I colored his hair every 2 weeks a different color, so I figured it's time he start trading services with me. The only problem being, he doesn't do hair. So today I trained him how to put in tape in extensions.

(Here are a few of the colors I did this summer on his hair)

I removed my extensions from my hair myself last night, after about 6-8 weeks they are mostly ready to come out, but some of them hold on pretty tight. For those that won't come out I put a small amount of Super Bond Oil Remover or 99% alcohol will also do the trick.


So here are my before pictures. My hair is super thin right now due to some stress issues that caused alopecia areata, I will post another blog about that experience later and how it lead me to getting a head tattoo. The extensions help mask the thinning and obviously lengthen my hair.


Once the extensions are removed, I had to remove the old tape on them. I use tweezers to pull the tape off.


Then place the new tape once the old tape has been removed.



I then taught him placement and how to put them in. Placement is key when you only have half a head of hair. He had to avoid the bald spot from my alopecia, and as a general rule you need to stay about one inch off the perimeter of the hair. Very clean partings are also super important.



And the final result....

IMG_2515 (1).jpg

I was pretty impressed with the results, stay tuned for his next class...

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