What Do You Want To Be-Is Not Question


Have tooth pain last week, then i went to the doctor gigi(how we Indonesian say dentist). He gave me 2 options, fix the tooth or remove it. This is life, i cound't ask for new tooth if is it fake. To pretending i hs a new tooth even fake. Then i choose to fix the tooth, he made a hole to remove something broke. I felt the pain with his acctions. I couldnt speak when he helped me. Then he put some antiseptic into my tooth. He asked me to come back in 7 days.

Now we put that reality into the real life. I have a problem, and everybody has problem. And everyproblems has solutions with options. Fix it or remove it. But you cant make a new life, its just fake. And fake life is just for a liar. What you have now will never return to you. This sounds so bad, yes it is. But it is real.

What is the biggest problem in your life? Do you wanna fix it of remove it? it is depending on your guts. You have to remember, You cannot fix your tooth problem without Dentist. Asking some solutions to someone you believe will never kill your reputations.

Have a good life.

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